Nicholas A. Snow

BKT Assistant Professor of Economics
Tom and Anne Walsh Professor of Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Department of Economics
Wabash College
Nicholas A. Snow
I am currently a BKT Assistant Professor of Economics and the Tom and Anne Walsh Professor of Philosophy, Political Science and Economics at Wabash College.


CV and Working Papers
CV (PDF) - Last Updated December 2024
"Interstate Cannabis Legalization: Mind the Trap" (with Audrey Redford and Todd Nesbit
Journal Articles
"Rent Seeking on Rum Row" Constitutional Political Economy, Forthcoming.
"Externality and Taboo: Resolving the Judaic Pig Puzzle" (with Peter T. Leeson and Vincent Geloso), Rationality and Society 36(1) 2024: 5-33.
"The Impartial Wally: A Smithian Analysis of Wabash College's Gentlemen's Rule," Cosmos + Taxis 11(11+12) 2023: 48-61.
"Nudging to Prohibition? A Reassessment of Irving Fisher's Economics of Prohibition in Light of Modern Behavioral Economics" (with Nicholas A. Curott), Journal of the History of Economic Thought 45(1) 2023: 117-136.
“Competition for Antitrust: The National Civic Federation and the Founding of the Federal Trade Commission" (with Peter J. Boettke and Thomas K. Duncan), Journal of Prices and Markets, 7(1): 2019: 3-17.
“Political Economy and the Science of Association: The Natural Alliance of the Vienna and Virginia Traditions.” (with P. Boettke), Review of Austrian Economics 27(1) 2014: 97-110.
“Rational Irrationality and the Political Process of Repeal: The Women’s Organization of National Prohibition Reform and the 21st Amendment” (with D. Thomas and M. Thomas), Kyklos, 66(1) 2014: 130-152.
“Hooligans” (with P. Leeson and D. Smith), Revue d’Economie Politique, 122(2) 2012: 213-231.
“The Servants of Obama’s Machinery: F. A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom Revisited? - A Reply” (with P. Boettke), Eastern Economic Journal, 38(4) 2012: 428-433.
“War and Liberty: Wisdom from Leonard E. Read and F.A. ‘Baldy’ Harper.” (with C. Coyne),Economic Affairs, 31(3) 2011: 51-53.
“Free to Smoke” (with W. Block), Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 29 (1-4) 2011: 135-153.
“Context of Context: The Evolution of Hayek’s Epistemic Turn in Economics and Politics” (with P. Boettke and E. Shaeffer), Advances in Austrian Economics, 14 2010, 69-86.
“Banks, Insurance Companies, and Discrimination” (with W. Block and E. Stringham),Business and Society Review, 113(3) 2008, 403-419.
“The Broken Trailer Fallacy: Seeing the Unseen Effects of Government Policies in Post-Katrina New Orleans” (with E. Stringham), International Journal of Social Economics, 35(7) 2008, 480-489. (Lead article)
Book Chapters and Reviews
"Block Against the blockheads: Learning From Economics and the Absurd," Forthcoming in Walter Block's Festschrift.
“Prohibition.” In Alain Marciano and Giovanni Battista Ramello, eds., Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. New York: Springer, 2018.
“Criminal Constitutions.” In Alain Marciano and Giovanni Battista Ramello, eds., Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. New York: Springer, 2018.
“Alcohol Prohibition.” In Alain Marciano and Giovanni Battista Ramello, eds., Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. New York: Springer, 2016.
“Dennis M.P. McCarthy, An Economic History of Organized Crime: A National and Transnational Approach,” Public Choice, 154: 337-340, 2013.
"Daniel Okrent, Book Review of Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition.” Review of Austrian Economics. 24(4): 451-454, 2011.
“Been There Done That: The Political Economy of Deja Vu” (with P. Boettke and D. Smith). In, S. Kates, ed., The Global Financial Crisis: Alternative Perspectives on What we have Learnt. Edward Elgar. 2011.
“Classical Political Economy” (with P. Boettke), in M. Bevir (ed.) Encyclopedia of Political Theory, Sage. (2011).
Recipient of the American Library Association’s Outstanding Reference Source Award (2011).
Below are a sample of courses I teach at Wabash College. Please see my CV for a full list of the courses I have taught.

Principles of Economics
Introduction to PPE
Economics of Black Markets
Principles of Micro and Macro combined.
Introduction to Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. I team teach this course with someone from philosophy or political science.
This Course uses economics to evaluate various illicit markets.

History of Economic thought
Economics from the Greeks to Adam Smith and into the 20th century.

Law and Economics
Rational Choice Theory applied to legal analysis.

Topics in Political Economy
Rotating topics on political economy. Previous topics include, Growth, War, FA Hayek, and Anarchy.